If you`ve ever stayed in Hotel Appi Grand`s “Honkan,” or main building, before, you may have noticed the bird print hanging on your wall.
But on the other hand, who are we kidding? You very well may not have. Not many people are weird enough to immediately fixate on any bird pictures around a room. I, however, am. I noticed within a few weeks of starting work in Appi that there were a lot of bird pictures around the Honkan: at least one in every room, in every elevator hall, and even in front of the restaurants on the second floor. Not only that, but these bird pictures looked very familiar, as if I had seen them in my yard at home.
And in fact, I had seen them in my yard at home. The reason for this is because the Honkan is decorated with pages from “Birds of America” by John James Audubon, published between 1827 and 1838. To give you an idea of how famous and prominent Audubon is: perhaps you`ve heard of the Wild Bird Society of Japan. The equivalent organization in the United States is called the Audubon Society.
実は、なんと本当に実家で見たことがある種類もありました。それはなぜかというと、本館は1827年~1838年まで出版されたジョン・ジェームズ・オーデュボン著の「アメリカの鳥類」という博物画集の一枚一枚で飾っているからです。オーデュボンはどれほど高名な博物学者なのかというと、日本の野鳥の会に相当する組織は「National Audubon Society」(つまり、オーデュボンの会)と呼ばれるほどなのです。
American Robin, a bird we see every spring pulling worms out of the ground. In Japan, Japanese Bush Warblers herald the spring, but in the United States that bird is the Robin.
American Robin(コマツグミ)はオレゴン州で毎年の春に地面からミミズを引っ張り出しているのがよく見られます。日本では春と言えばウグイスだそうですが、アメリカではコマツグミになっているのです。
Red-Winged Blackbird, another bird that comes to the feeder in our yard every year. The males have the bright red spots on their wings and perch everywhere, singing “I`m a Red-Winged Blaaaaackbird!”
Red-Winged Blackbird(ハゴロモガラス)も毎年、実家のエサ台に来ます。羽に鮮やかな赤いのが見えるのはオスで、至るところでとまって、「I`m a Red-Winged Blaaaackbird!」に聞こえる鳴き声でメスを呼びます。
Pileated Woodpecker, an American woodpecker which pretty closely resembles the Black Woodpecker living in Hokkaido. I wanted to see this bird for years, and my dad kept coming home telling me “I saw another Pileated,” but they never came out when we went to see one together. Finally I saw one pecking at a dead snag on a birding trip.
北海道に生息するクマゲラに似ているアメリカのキツツキ、Pileated Woodpecker (カンムリキツツキ)です。私はずっとカンムリキツツキを見たかったのですが父が何回も帰ってきて「今回またカンムリキツツキを見たよ!」というのに、一緒にバードウオッチングに行くと現れてくれなくて、惜しい思いをしました。やっと、枯れ木をつついているのを数年前に見ました。
A really special individual designed Appi—the structure and color of its buildings and interior, the logos including everyone`s favorite the Appi bunny, even the lighting scheme. His name was Yusaku Kamekura, the same person who designed the posters and logo for the Tokyo Olympics. According to the book about Appi and Kamekura, Kamekura actually decided to use Audubon prints for decoration throughout the Honkan building not just because they were beautiful and fit beautifully with the color scheme, but also because paying for individual works of art with that level of detail and beauty would have been a lot more expensive.
According to some of the staff members, initially the hotel side was kind of mystified about the bird theme and may have voiced objections about it. I imagine this exchange as being like “Dear Mr. Kamekura, are you sure about this bird thing? By `birds,` did you actually mean `flowers?` How about bowls of fruit instead? Awaiting your response.”
The pictures themselves are gorgeous. Audubon painted all of his subjects true to size, which you should keep in mind while looking at the enormous eagle on the first floor, in front of Ryugamori.
While you`re looking at that eagle, take a close look at his expression. That is one depressed looking eagle! What happened to him? Did his girlfriend dump him?
ちなみに、例のワシの表情をよく見てみると、かなり落ち込んでいるワシだと分かります。 このワシ、いったい何があったのでしょうか! 彼女にふられたのでしょうか?
Many other pictures have pretty expressive birds. Look closely when you get the chance.
“Hmmm….” “What? Whatcha looking at? Everything OK?”
“Here comes Clyde. God, I hate that guy.”
One of my favorites is this picture on the 6th floor elevator hall. I thought these were Western Meadowlarks, which happens to be the state bird of Oregon, where I am from, but it turns out they`re Eastern Meadowlarks. Apparently the white area under the beak is larger for Eastern Meadowlarks.
Anyway, Eastern or Western Meadowlark aside, I love this picture. Let`s take a look at them individually.
中で一番好きなのは、6階のエレベータホールにある絵です。前からずっと出身のオレゴン州の州鳥になる西アメリカマキバドリ(Western Meadowlark)だと思ってきましたが、実は東アメリカマキバドリ(Eastern Meadowlark)だったみたいです。東アメリカマキバドリはくちばしの近くに白っぽい部分は西のより少し大きいらしいです。
One is diving toward the upper right corner of the frame. “Excuse me for a second! There is something urgent I need to do up here!”
Another one is doing a funky shuffle dance. “Doop be doo! I`m an individual! I`m my own Meadowlark! Look at me! Dance!”
A third one is like “Mr. Audubon, you`re still not finished? For real?? OK, I`m really tired, so just let me relax a minute.”
3羽目は「オーデュボンさんよ、絵はまだですか?…マジでですか? オケー、疲れましたからちょっとポーズを崩させて下さい。」
This last one is why this picture is my favorite in the first place. It`s just something about the female rolling her little eyes at you in this nest.
“Please go away. This is my nest.”
Audubon painted the birds being active in their natural surroundings, which was apparently unusual for the time. So when you look at the picture, note that the birds aren`t painted in isolation, but are surrounded with certain plants. Many are shown eating something, so you can get information about the birds` diets as well.
Blackpoll Warbler(ズグロアメリカムシクイ)
Eastern whip-poor-will and moth (ホイップアーウィルヨタカとガ)
Belted Kingfisher and fish (アメリカヤマセミと魚)
Ivory Billed Woodpeckers and bug(ハシジロキツツキと虫)
Bug: “Something tells me this place isn`t safe, but I just can`t put my finger on it.”
There are a few interesting consequences of these prints having been published more than 150 years ago. The names of some species have of course changed in the meantime, which meant that when I guessed “Crested Caracara” but the picture was labeled “Brasilian Caracara Eagle,” I was still right, because the modern name is Crested Caracara. Unfortunately, in many (in most) cases when I guess a species wrong, it still means that I am wrong.
この博物画集は150年以上前に描かれたことによってある影響があります。種名が150年間で変わってきたのもありまして、例えばある野鳥を「Crested Caracara」だと当ててみたら、絵に「Brasilian Caracara Eagle」が書いてあっても、現在の種名はCrested Caracaraですから私の正解だったということです。しかし残念ながら、多く(ほとんど)の場合は、種名を間違えたら、私が間違っていたということになってしまいます。
Also, in the span of 150 years, some of these species have unfortunately gone extinct.
The Ivory Billed Woodpeckers in one of the elevator halls are presumed extinct, though there have been reports of the bird being alive for years. It`s still a very hotly contested topic in the birding world, but for simplification purposes let`s just call them “extinct.”
The Passenger Pigeon, once the most common bird in the United States went extinct from overhunting and loss of habitat. The last bird died in a zoo in 1914. This picture is on the second floor, near Bar Po and the smoking area. The “kissing” pose is actually a mating ritual.
かつてアメリカでもっとも数多くいた鳥のリョコウバトは生息地の破壊と乱獲によって絶滅しました。最後の一羽は、1914年に動物園で亡くなりました。この絵は2階のBar Poの近くにかかっています。 絵の「キス」みたいな姿勢は繁殖行動だそうです。
Next time you come to stay in Hotel Appi Grand, or just happen to be in the Honkan, make sure to take a closer look at the bird pictures.
In terms of real, live native Japanese birds, you can also say hi to the White Wagtail who catches bugs at the entrance of Hotel Appi Grand and sometimes tries to sneak into the building.
“Excuse me, I have a reservation for one White Wagtail, two nights?”
“No, I`m sorry, we do not accept Wagtails as customers.”
This has been Anna working at Hotel Appi Grand front division.
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